卡尔·泰勒Karl Taylor高级数码单反摄影课程27课合集中文字幕
英文+机翻中文字幕| 19课|720P|4.8GB|无素材
English + machine translated Chinese subtitles | 19 lesson | 720p | 4.8GB | no material
This course takes the knowledge of essentials to a new level. You'll learn more about complex technical processes, such as light painting and light tracing, how to get perfect fast-paced action shots, and how to capture wildlife remotely in the natural environment. Most importantly, Carl shows you how to use flash and natural light in the field, and gives you great tips for doing macro photography almost anywhere. Then, you can continue to use more advanced technical ideas, but don't worry! Carl detailed all of this, from how to capture and combine HDR and panoramic images to capturing the movement of water and capturing the beauty of the night sky. The full version of the following 27 lessons is included
- 1.关于新手解压出错 必看(附电脑+安卓WINRAR APP)
- 新手必看 本站资源解压教程:http://www.52cgzy.com/76304/
- 2.本站Telegram群组链接
- 3.所有礼包码下载地址:http://www.52cgzy.com/422289/
- 4.各类问题及解决处理方法合集