马丁·斯科塞斯Martin Scorsese Teaches Filmmaking导演大师班中文字幕
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MasterClass - Martin Scorsese Teaches Filmmaking
https://www.masterclass.com/clas ... -teaches-filmmaking
八岁的马丁·斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese)绘制了他的第一个情节提要。 今天,他是一位传奇导演,他的电影(从卑鄙的街头到华尔街的狼)已经塑造了电影的历史。 奥斯卡奖得主在有史以来第一次在线课程中,讲授了他的电影制作方法,从讲故事到剪辑再到与演员合作。 他对电影进行解构并破坏自己的技艺,改变了制作和观看电影的方式。
Eight year old Martin Scorsese drew his first synopsis. Today, he is a legendary director, and his films (from the mean streets to the wolves on Wall Street) have shaped the history of films. For the first time ever, the Oscar winner taught his filmmaking methods, from storytelling to editing to working with actors. He deconstructs the film and destroys his skills, changing the way he makes and watches movies.
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